If you have multiple AWS accounts to manage and you have to login and logout of each accounts for management, that’s quit troublesome. Therefore, AWS has this feature that allows you to login to different accounts from one central AWS account by the help of IAM roles.
As usual, an explanation from AWS.
So, the scenario for this walk through is, Mary, an IAM user, from account-A will be managing account-B. Therefore, a role in account-B must be created for Mary to be assumed when switching account. Important! you must use IAM user account, NOT ROOT account, when switching role from account-A to B.
The steps are quit simple,
1. Create a role with appropriate privileges in account-B.
2. In account-A, setup role switch configuration.
3. Make sure to use IAM user in account-A, that’s it!
Let’s begin.
Sign in account-B, from IAM service, start by creating role.
There are four types of trusted entity. Since we are going to allow Mary from account-A to access account-B, so we choose “Another AWS account”. In the Account ID, we input account-A’s account ID ( We are in account-B’s account now).
There are “require external ID” and “require MFA” options when creating role. Both options are for higher security and in simple words, when using “external ID”, you can only use API, CLI or custom federation proxy calls to switch role. When using “require MFA”, only user authenticated with MFA is allowed to switch role. For this walk through, I will leave both empty.
Next, assign appropriate privilege to the role. Whatever privileges you given here, means that user switching to this account ( account-B ) has those privileges. For this demo, I chose AdministratorAccess.
Add tags at your choice.
Finally, give your role a name and optionally, a description.
A finish view of role creation. Pay attention that in the “Trusted entities” column, the role we just created is valued with “Account: account-A’s ID”. Click on the role to see more details.
From here, give the link to Mary in account-A and she can use this link to assume role ystataws to switch to account-B.
From “Trust relationships”, you will see Account-A’s ID here and you can make more detailed modification by using “edit trust relationship”.
That’s it for account-B, let’s jump to Mary’s account, account-A to setup switching role configuration.
Sign in account-A with IAM user Mary. Paste the URL provided by role ystataws (Check the second image above) in the browser and hit enter.
If everything is setup correctly, you will see this page with appropriate values filled in. Leave Account and Role untouched. Change Display Name and Color at your choice. Click Switch Role when done.
After click “Switch Role”, you are now in the account of account-B! You can confirm from your account information shown as image below. You login as Mary from account-A and Currently active as ystataws (role) in account-B. And since role ystataws is given administratorAccess, that means you can do anything to account-B now!
When you have done with whatever you need to, simply Sign out from console or switch back to Mary!